Thursday, December 25, 2014

More Comfortable to Use of Massage Tool

Massage Tool, Massage Ball,Self My ofascial Release Tool

Massage tools can make wound and scar care more effective. Use a portable mini-vibrator for easy, convenient muscle stimulation or a scar tissue massage tool to desensitize and soften scars. Ideal for clinic or home use, massage tools offer convenience and quality.

Massage, with tools or by a professional, can have many benefits for the body.  If you're looking for stretching, pain relief, immune system stimulation, increased flexibility or reducing stress, look into massage therapy. Percussion massager like the G5 units are great for myofascial release, stress reduction, deep muscle work, sports rehab, muscle spasms, trigger point reduction, pain relief and postural drainage.  They are used widely in home self care, hospitals and by physical therapists.  They are made to work and relieve a variety of symptoms. The SoloRolo is small enough to be easily portable. Tuck it into a jacket pocket, purse, or a briefcase, and your favourite massage tool is anywhere you need it to be.

While physiotherapists massage therapists, and chiropractors can make a huge difference in muscle soreness and stiffness as well as mobility, pain and tightness don’t simply vanish until your next appointment. The SoloRolo improves on an old yet popular home-treatment — the simple tennis ball, which you trap between your body and a solid surface and roll on to achieve some relief. SoloRolo, on the other hand, was designed with just this purpose in mind.